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TCHRD’s call to end enforced disappearances in Tibet on the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

On the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, TCHRD stands in solidarity with the victims and families of those who have been subjected to unlawful, Chinese state-sanctioned repression through enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, beatings, torture, and inhuman treatment merely based on one’s own religious beliefs or cultural identity.

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Douyin’s ban on the Tibetan language sparks concerns over rapidly shrinking cultural and linguistic freedoms online

The strict imposition on using the Tibetan language on Douyin, the most popular short video app in China—the Chinese counterpart of TikTok—has been a recurring issue and has raised concerns about digital freedoms and the rapidly shrinking space for cultural and linguistic autonomy in Chinese cyberspace.

The issue has sparked concerns again after a Tibetan netizen, Youga Ga, posted a video expressing strong discontent over the ban. Many Tibetans have also expressed their concerns on social media, reporting difficulties in streaming and speaking in Tibetan, with their content being immediately censored and deleted.

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Commemorating the 37th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention Against Torture

On the 37th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Convention Against Torture, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Tibetan Youth Congress, Students for Free Tibet and Tibetan Women’s Association solemnly commemorates and pays tribute to Tibetan human rights defenders, dissidents, and activists who have endured and continue to endure torture— the severest form of human rights abuse.

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29 years since the enforced disappearance of Tibet’s Panchen Lama by the Chinese government  

On the 29th anniversary of Tibetan spiritual leader Gedhun Choekyi Nyima’s enforced disappearance, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy strongly condemns the Chinese government’s continued failure to provide information on his whereabouts and reiterates our calls for the authorities to reveal the truth. Despite extensive efforts and calls from the global Tibetan community, international governments and the United Nations for more than two decades, the Chinese government has continued to ignore their calls leaving a deep void in the hearts of the Tibetans inside and outside Tibet. 

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TCHRD Statement on World Press Freedom Day 2024

In an interview with TCHRD, Namkyi, a 24-year-old former political prisoner, describes making the difficult decision to leave her family, and her daring escape across the border with her childhood friend Tsering Kyi, both of whom arrived in India last summer.

Despite the punitive measures imposed by Chinese authorities, it was the suffering of her loved ones that weighed heaviest on her conscience. Namkyi detailed the prevailing culture of fear and oppression, where dissent was stifled and discouraged, leaving individuals like herself isolated in the struggle for justice.

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