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TCHRD Statement on World Press Freedom Day 2024

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy joins the international community in observing World Press Freedom Day, as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to remind governments to honor their commitments to press freedom and its core principles. However, in Tibet, China’s stringent control over information severely curtails press freedom and suppresses expression. Through strict regulations on both foreign and domestic journalists, often resulting in imprisonment and torture, China obstructs international efforts to accurately understand the reality in Tibet. This suppression not only denies Tibetan voices agency but also forcefully suppresses independent publications through bans or extensive censorship.

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Lone Tibetan Protester Calling for Return of Dalai Lama Detained Incommunicado in Ngaba

Chinese authorities have detained incommunicado a Tibetan monk from the local Kirti Monastery for staging a peaceful solo protest against repressive policies in Ngaba (Ch: Aba) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Amdo.

On 26 March, a Tibetan monk named Pema was arbitrarily detained and subjected to incommunicado detention by the local Public Security Bureau Officers for staging a peaceful solo protest by holding a portrait of the Dalai Lama on the stretch of a road known to the local Tibetans as’ martyrs road’ in Ngaba County. Local witnesses reported hearing Pema shouting slogans calling for the “Return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet” and “Religious Freedom in Tibet,” among others.

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China must release Tibetan singer Gegjom from unjust detention 

Chinese authorities must release from unjust detention Tibetan singer Gegjom who is being held in an undisclosed location after his arbitrary detention at the hands of local police in Khyungchu (Ch: Hongyuan) County, Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Amdo.

“We are deeply concerned about the condition and wellbeing of Gegjom because we know Tibetan detainees are routinely tortured and ill-treated in the most inhumane manner in undisclosed locations with no access to due legal process,” said Ms Tenzin Dawa, executive director of TCHRD.

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2023 Annual Report on Human Rights Situation in Tibet Released

Even as China ended its draconian zero-Covid policy measures in 2023, Tibetans continue to face escalating crackdowns on freedom of expression, religion and belief. Despite numerous calls from the international community to immediately halt its forced assimilation policy, Chinese authorities imposed Chinese medium education in Tibetan schools and amended local regulations in Tibetan areas to promote Mandarin Chinese. 

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TCHRD – ADI submit petition letters urging action to improve Tibetan refugee rights in Nepal

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), in collaboration with the Asian Dignity Initiative (ADI), has concluded its signature petition campaign to safeguard Tibetan refugee rights in Nepal on 13 March 2024. The meticulously drafted letters signed by 704 signatories have been submitted via post and electronic correspondence to the relevant entities, including the Chinese government, the Nepalese government, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner.

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China: stop crackdown on Tibetans peacefully protesting against forced construction of hydropower dams

The Chinese authorities are forcibly constructing hydropower dams in the upper reaches of the Drichu (Ch: Jinsha) river, leading to the involuntary relocation and displacement of local Tibetans from their ancestral villages and centuries-old Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. These large-scale dams are constructed in alignment with the objectives of the ‘West-East Electricity Transmission’ project. The electricity these dams produce will ultimately supply power to industrial cities in eastern China. 

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TCHRD concludes series of workshops on Bystander Intervention against Sexual and Gender-based Violence 

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) recently concluded a comprehensive series of workshops on “Bystander Intervention against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.” These workshops were conducted for over 460 Tibetan youths across various educational institutions, schools and colleges based in India, including the Sambhota Tibetan School in Kalimpong and Darjeeling, the College for Higher Tibetan Studies-Sarah, the Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Bangalore, and the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Varanasi, India.

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Report reveals Chinese Transnational Repression spreading fear and disempowering exiled Tibetans 

Much has been reported about the experiences of communities targeted by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) transnational repression campaign, but little is known about the Tibetan experience. Until now, transnational repression against Tibetans has remained an under-acknowledged phenomenon – primarily due to its persistence, which seems to have normalised it in the lives of the victims.

The report titled ‘Chinese Transnational Repression of Tibetan Diaspora Communities’ released today by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) is the first report of its kind to focus on the global transnational repression of Tibetans in a substantial manner.

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Human rights defender detained for exposing online official practice of racial discrimination against Tibetans

Tibetan human rights defender Tsering Tso had been subjected to arbitrary detention for the second time in three years for her social media posts calling out Chinese authorities for engaging in human rights abuses against Tibetans in Kyegudo (Ch: Yushu) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, in the Tibetan province of Kham.

Tso was sentenced to 15 days of “administrative detention” by the Yushu Public Security Bureau (PSB) in the Yushu city detention centre from 26 October to 10 November 2023.

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Signature Petition: Safeguard Tibetan refugee rights in Nepal

​The situation of Tibetan refugees in Nepal has worsened over the years. Since 1995, escalating Chinese pressure has hindered Nepal from issuing documentation to Tibetan refugees, depriving them of fundamental human rights, including travel, employment, and education rights.​ Referred to by many Tibetans as the “second Tibet,” Nepal now faces a level of repression second only to Tibet under Chinese occupation. Chinese-directed surveillance and espionage carried out in collaboration with Nepali authorities further restrict Tibetans’ freedom of expression and association, hindering cultural and religious practices.

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