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TCHRD’s call to end enforced disappearances in Tibet on the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

On the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, TCHRD stands in solidarity with the victims and families of those who have been subjected to unlawful, Chinese state-sanctioned repression through enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, beatings, torture, and inhuman treatment merely based on one’s own religious beliefs or cultural identity.

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Lone Tibetan Protester Calling for Return of Dalai Lama Detained Incommunicado in Ngaba

Chinese authorities have detained incommunicado a Tibetan monk from the local Kirti Monastery for staging a peaceful solo protest against repressive policies in Ngaba (Ch: Aba) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Amdo.

On 26 March, a Tibetan monk named Pema was arbitrarily detained and subjected to incommunicado detention by the local Public Security Bureau Officers for staging a peaceful solo protest by holding a portrait of the Dalai Lama on the stretch of a road known to the local Tibetans as’ martyrs road’ in Ngaba County. Local witnesses reported hearing Pema shouting slogans calling for the “Return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet” and “Religious Freedom in Tibet,” among others.

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China must release Tibetan singer Gegjom from unjust detention 

Chinese authorities must release from unjust detention Tibetan singer Gegjom who is being held in an undisclosed location after his arbitrary detention at the hands of local police in Khyungchu (Ch: Hongyuan) County, Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Amdo.

“We are deeply concerned about the condition and wellbeing of Gegjom because we know Tibetan detainees are routinely tortured and ill-treated in the most inhumane manner in undisclosed locations with no access to due legal process,” said Ms Tenzin Dawa, executive director of TCHRD.

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2023 Annual Report on Human Rights Situation in Tibet Released

Even as China ended its draconian zero-Covid policy measures in 2023, Tibetans continue to face escalating crackdowns on freedom of expression, religion and belief. Despite numerous calls from the international community to immediately halt its forced assimilation policy, Chinese authorities imposed Chinese medium education in Tibetan schools and amended local regulations in Tibetan areas to promote Mandarin Chinese. 

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Human rights defender detained for exposing online official practice of racial discrimination against Tibetans

Tibetan human rights defender Tsering Tso had been subjected to arbitrary detention for the second time in three years for her social media posts calling out Chinese authorities for engaging in human rights abuses against Tibetans in Kyegudo (Ch: Yushu) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, in the Tibetan province of Kham.

Tso was sentenced to 15 days of “administrative detention” by the Yushu Public Security Bureau (PSB) in the Yushu city detention centre from 26 October to 10 November 2023.

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Tibetan singer Palden sentenced to three years in prison as China intensifies constraints on freedom of expression

A Tibetan singer named Palden has been sentenced on an unknown date a few months after his detention earlier this year in Golog (Ch: Guoluo) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,  Qinghai Province, in the Tibetan province of Amdo. 

While details on Palden’s imprisonment still remain vague, it has emerged that the singer was apprehended after he shared a patriotic Tibetan song on the Chinese social media platform KuaiShou. He was held in an undisclosed location for an extended period of time before getting sentenced on unknown charges.

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China must stop persecuting Tibetan language rights advocate Tashi Wangchuk

he Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) strongly condemns the continued persecution of the well-known Tibetan language rights advocate Tashi Wangchuk, who had been released from prison in 2021 after serving five years’ prison term on the trumped-up charges of “inciting separatism”.

Since his release from unjust imprisonment, Tashi Wangchuk has faced persistent restrictions and limitations on his movement and activities even as he continued to advocate for the promotion and protection of the Tibetan language.

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Concerns over well-being of writer Dhi Lhaden despite release from prison

Writer Dhi Lhaden’s release following four years of confinement raises concerns over the uncertainty surrounding his physical and psychological well-being, compounded by the limited accessibility of information relating to his present circumstances.

In addition to media reports, TCHRD sources have confirmed the release of Lhaden and his return to his residence, an occasion met with much joy from fellow Tibetans. However, no immediate and comprehensive information can be obtained about his current physical and psychological condition due to heavy restrictions placed upon him and others to stop any information from being shared with outsiders.

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