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Signature Petition: Safeguard Tibetan refugee rights in Nepal

​The situation of Tibetan refugees in Nepal has worsened over the years. Since 1995, escalating Chinese pressure has hindered Nepal from issuing documentation to Tibetan refugees, depriving them of fundamental human rights, including travel, employment, and education rights.​ Referred to by many Tibetans as the “second Tibet,” Nepal now faces a level of repression second only to Tibet under Chinese occupation. Chinese-directed surveillance and espionage carried out in collaboration with Nepali authorities further restrict Tibetans’ freedom of expression and association, hindering cultural and religious practices.

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TCHRD Statement on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Today on the “International Day in Support of Victims of Torture”, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy expresses our solidarity with all political prisoners around the world particularly Tibetan political prisoners and their relatives who have suffered and continue to suffer the brutal effects of excessive and inhumane torture and abuse perpetrated by the government of the People’s Republic of China.

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Open Letter To President Xi Jinping To End Forced Cultural Assimilation Policy In Tibet

In an open letter to President Xi Jinping on China’s ‘Children’s Day’ (六一际儿童节) on 1 June, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) calls on President Xi to end forced cultural assimilation policy, which is being aggressively implemented under the guise of “Second Generation Ethnic Policy” in Tibet.

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Introducing Decoding CCP

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy is shortly due to launch its Decoding CCP, a reliable guide to almost 500 propaganda jargon keywords, for both English and Tibetan readers. Tibetans have lived alongside their much bigger and more powerful Chinese neighbour for many centuries, and really know how Chinese leaders think.

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