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China must stop persecuting Tibetan language rights advocate Tashi Wangchuk

he Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) strongly condemns the continued persecution of the well-known Tibetan language rights advocate Tashi Wangchuk, who had been released from prison in 2021 after serving five years’ prison term on the trumped-up charges of “inciting separatism”.

Since his release from unjust imprisonment, Tashi Wangchuk has faced persistent restrictions and limitations on his movement and activities even as he continued to advocate for the promotion and protection of the Tibetan language.

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Concerns over well-being of writer Dhi Lhaden despite release from prison

Writer Dhi Lhaden’s release following four years of confinement raises concerns over the uncertainty surrounding his physical and psychological well-being, compounded by the limited accessibility of information relating to his present circumstances.

In addition to media reports, TCHRD sources have confirmed the release of Lhaden and his return to his residence, an occasion met with much joy from fellow Tibetans. However, no immediate and comprehensive information can be obtained about his current physical and psychological condition due to heavy restrictions placed upon him and others to stop any information from being shared with outsiders.

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Records of politically-motivated verdicts against Tibetans removed from Chinese national databases

Chinese authorities are systematically removing from its publicly accessible databases records of court verdicts involving Tibetans convicted of engaging in the vaguely worded and broadly defined crimes of “endangering state security”.

Recent information received by TCHRD confirms that such records are not only made inaccessible for cases in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) but also in other Tibetan areas outside TAR. This means that an unknown number of Tibetans are tried and sentenced in secret with no official acknowledgment or information about their imprisonment.

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“Dorje Tashi is innocent”: Sister of Tibetan entrepreneur serving life imprisonment stage protest outside Chinese court

Information obtained by at least two sources in Lhasa confirmed that on the morning of 19 December, around 10:30 am local time, Gonpo Kyi stood outside the Lhasa Intermediate People’s Court holding a placard with a slogan in Chinese: “Dorji Tashi is innocent.” In less than 5 minutes, security personnel swooped down on her even as she continued shouting slogans for her brother’s innocence. She was eventually taken behind the court building following which her condition and whereabouts remain unknown.

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Tibetan writer Goyon believed to be released from detention even as China sentenced six more writers and former Tibetan political prisoners 

The news about Goyon’s release comes close on the heels of another major development: sentencing of six former Tibetan political prisoners, writers and public intellectuals on the trumped-up charges of “inciting separatism” and “endangering state security” in Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

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