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Tibetans subjected to extrajudicial detention, random home inspections and seizure of cell phones under China’s social media purge in Dzachuka

Thousands of Tibetans are being subjected to China’s social media purge to remove so-called illegal contents from their homes and cell phones in Wonpo (Ch: Wenbo) and Sershul (Ch: Shiqu) counties in Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Kham.

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Unsustainable Futures: China’s Eco-compensation Policy on Tibetan Grassland

A new report released today by TCHRD provides evidence that using the Tibetan Plateau to offset China’s carbon footprints has not translated into eco-compensation for rural Tibetan landholders for their provisioning of ecosystem services. China distorts the concept of payment for ecosystem services by dislocating Tibetan nomadic communities, and forcibly removing them off their lands.

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China enforces compulsory Mandarin Chinese learning for preschool children in Tibet

A Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE) decree went into force this month to teach Ma​​ndarin Chinese to all preschool children, an extension of Xi Jinping’s belief in catching them young, noting the significance of language learning in the early years, and discounting the purpose of bilingual education of helping children ease into the school system.

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Deteriorating Situation in Dza Wonpo

The situation of the Tibetans arbitrarily detained in Dza Wonpo in Sershul (Ch: Shiqu) County in Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Kham from late August is difficult with poor detention facilities, daily interrogations, and political education sessions.

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What is Decoding CCP? What is its purpose? What need does it meet?

Right now, China’s internet -a world unto itself- and official media are praising an online post that seems, from beginning to end, to be an emoji nailing this bitterly angry moment for China.
This one post, endlessly reposted by People’s Daily and Xinhua news agency, is full of the coded keyword jargons in use in China, which so puzzle everyone else.

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