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Second Buddha statue torn down and dozen Tibetans detained in Drango

TCHRD has been informed that a 30-ft Maitreya Buddha statue in the courtyard of Drango Namgyal Ling Monastery has been destroyed and at least a dozen local Tibetans detained for sharing news of the destruction of a 99-ft Buddha statue that was reported last month in Drango (Ch: Luhuo) County, Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in the Tibetan province of Kham.

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​China must end cultural assimilation campaign and crackdown on Tibetan intellectuals and cultural leaders

The Chinese Party-state is targeting and silencing influential Tibetan writers, intellectuals and cultural leaders that it views as hindrance to its cultural assimilation campaign. New information obtained by TCHRD revealed the ongoing detention of four other writers on top of the four recently sentenced to four to ten years in prison.

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