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Release anti-corruption and environmental activist A-nya Sengdra from unjust imprisonment

Almost five years after his arbitrary detention and unjust imprisonment on politically motivated charges, prominent Tibetan activist A-nya Sengdra is being subjected to further injustices.

Mr Sengdra is a prominent activist known for successfully mobilising local Tibetan nomads and carrying out campaigns against government corruption and environmental destruction in his hometown of Kyangche (Ch: Jiangqian) Township, Gade (Ch: Gande) County, Golok (Ch: Guoluo) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (TAP), Qinghai Province, in the Tibetan province of Amdo. Along with eight other associates, Mr Sengdra was sentenced to seven years imprisonment on 6 December 2021, more than three years after his detention and torture at the hands of local Public Security Bureau officers in Gade County.

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