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Concerns over well-being of writer Dhi Lhaden despite release from prison

Writer Dhi Lhadenā€™s release following four years of confinement raises concerns over the uncertainty surrounding his physical and psychological well-being, compounded by the limited accessibility of information relating to his present circumstances.

In addition toĀ media reports, TCHRD sources have confirmed the release of Lhaden and his return to his residence, an occasion met with much joy from fellow Tibetans. However, no immediate and comprehensive information can be obtained about his current physical and psychological condition due to heavy restrictions placed upon him and others to stop any information from being shared with outsiders.

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Prominent Tibetan writer, teacher and environmentalist Kunchok Tsephel released after more than 13 years in prison

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) has learned about the release of Tibetan writer, teacher and environmentalist Kunchok Tsephel on 18 March after serving more than 13 years at two different prisons including Dingxi near Lanzhou city in Gansu Province. Tsephelā€™s 15-year prison term had been reduced by almost two years after he saved the life of a fellow prisoner and collected ā€˜pointsā€™ for exhibiting ā€˜good behaviourā€™.Ā 

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